Tuesday 21 June 2016

The Lifestyles of the Not-So-Rich and Famous

So I went to a festival Saturday morning and returned early hours Monday. Cracking little event, my car was closer than the disabled toilet so I just peed outside of my car door, teetering precariously on the ledge of the car! I managed to get whizzed through the field at speed without falling out, but after all the self wheeling my muscles between my biceps and breasts are very sore.

I think I contracted a small bug as I've been quite ill since I returned home and am only now starting to feel alive. I sadly had to cancel on a gentleman who was very understanding, but I hate cancelling, I never do it, I feel like I've let myself down as well as the gent in question. And he had a carvery without me, TREASON!

I'm going to slip into a Slag Bol and hope it stays in, I have training tomorrow, an interview Thursday and a flight to Amsterdam Friday, I still haven't removed my camping gear from the car :/ wish me luck!

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